Vice Principal of Ma'had
Nanang Setyobudi, S.Fil.I

  • Tempat & Tgl Lahir
    Lubuk Gedang, 10 November 1979
  • Jabatan Fungsional
    Islamic Studies
  • Riwayat Pendidikan
    S1 Filsafat Islam Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Pengalaman
    Humas RSI Unisma Malang
  • Prestasi
    Juara 3 Tahfidz rektor cup UMM Kategori 5 juz
    Predikat Mumtaz ketegori sertifikasi 5 juz (Jogja)
  • Alamat Staff
    Jl. Asia Baru No.40A, Biznet Cloud Lnt. 2 Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Batat

Awards And Honours

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Edison Awards

Honoring excellence in innovation.


Honoring excellence in innovation.


Honoring excellence in innovation.

Total Prize

Honoring excellence in innovation.